----------- v2.1.0 ---------------------------- Added: Moderators input for facebook comment- Added: Property meta tags for facebook like- Added: facebook tool links----------- v2.2.1 ---------------------------- Fixed bug: Social buttons don't display when only show them in Featured Articles- Added: Social button over image position- Added: Social Recommendations Bar- Added: Facebook comment excluding----------- v2.2.2 ---------------------------- Fixed: Social buttons don't display on category blog page with Joomla 3.0- Added: Twitter button width config- Added: Open graph meta tags on/off param----------- v2.3.0 ---------------------------- Added: 2 positions: After title, Before Comment Block( K2 only)- Added: Automatic get main image (k2), intro image (jooomla content) for og:image meta tag.- Added: New parameter to use document title for og:title meta tag.- Added: function for external integration----------- v2.3.1 ---------------------------- Fixed bug: socialshare buttons only show in the first article - Fixed bug: socialshare buttons still show in excluded articles on Category Blog page----------- v2.3.2 ---------------------------- Fixed bug: Apostrophe incorrectly displayed- Added: pretext before comment box and sharing buttons----------- v2.3.3 ---------------------------- Added: email notification for facebook comment- Added: Show Facebook comment count for K2 Item- Fix bug: Show Facebook comment 2 times if choose position by "Before Comment Block"----------- v2.3.4 ---------------------------- Fixed: facebook comment box responsive problem ----------- v2.3.5 ---------------------------- Fixed: error notice and sending empty emails problems----------- v2.3.6 ---------------------------- Fixed: There is no close div tag in line 746th in file bt_socialshare.php----------- v2.3.7 ---------------------------- Fixed: Digg share not working----------- v2.3.8 ---------------------------- Fixed: Twitter & linkedin share not working with https----------- v2.3.9 ---------------------------- Fixed: Auto language for linkedin- Fixed: og:description conflicts with BT Social Connect ----------- v2.3.10 ---------------------------- Added: Pinteres, Tumblr, Reddit and Delicious buttons- Fixed bug: There is a PHP notice error if the plugin is enabled without saving first time----------- v2.3.11 ---------------------------- Fixed bug: HTTPs page is shared with incorrect information when using the plugin's function for extensions.----------- v2.3.12 ---------------------------- Fixed: Padding issue
I am reding this article two days, and I am trying get back my likes after switch http to https but without succes. Also, I used kind of plugn for likes, what is collect my likes of http but after new LIKE clicked, all others are reset to 0 and apperas number 1 ? What is frustrating.
joomla 2.5 facebook like article