Michael Bliss was a Canadian historian and a University Professor Emeritus in the Department of History and the History of Medicine Program at the University of Toronto. He was the author of numerous award-winning books in business and political history as well as the history of medicine, including popular biographies of Sir Frederick Banting, Sir William Osler, and Harvey Cushing. He was an Officer of the Order of Canada, an honorary fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the first historian to be inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame.
Alison Li is an historian of science and medicine based in Toronto. She is the author and editor of multiple books, including J.B. Collip and the Development of Medical Research in Canada. Her current project, Wondrous Transformations: A Maverick Physician, the Science of Hormones, and the Birth of the Transgender Revolution, will be published by University of North Carolina Press.
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6. Sacred Scripture is a great book about suffering. Let us quote from the books of the Old Testament a few examples of situations which bear the signs of suffering, and above all moral suffering: the danger of death(5), the death of one's own children(6) and, especially, the death of the firstborn and only son(7); and then too: the lack of offspring(8), nostalgia for the homeland(9), persecution and hostility of the environment(10), mockery and scorn of the one who suffers(11), loneliness and abandonment(12); and again: the remorse of conscience(13), the difficulty of understanding why the wicked prosper and the just suffer(14), the unfaithfulness and ingratitude of friends and neighbours(15); and finally: the misfortunes of one's own nation(16).
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The codex (as these ancient books are called) was probably copied and bound in the late fourth or early fifth century. It contains Coptic translations of three very important early Christian Gnostic texts: the Gospel of Mary, the Apocryphon of John, and the Sophia of Jesus Christ. The texts themselves date to the second century and were originally authored in Greek.
We also additionally recommend the first three books listed to the left: Mary Magdalene, First Apostle by Ann Brock; The Resurrection of Mary Magdalene: Legends, Apocrypha, and the Christian Testament by Jane Schaberg; and Mary Magdalen, Myth and Metaphor by Susan Haskin. There are many books now available on Mary of Magdala, some of questionable value. These four books are among the best and together offer an overview of the Magdalen in history and myth from a wide variety of perspectives.
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April 25th is National DNA Day! While I don't have much expertise or experience in science and medicine, I've always been fascinated by DNA and genetics. And thankfully, there are plenty of really great books that tell compelling stories and that break DNA down into bits (Ts, As, Cs, and Gs) that can be understood by non-experts. More recent news stories will tell you about how the CRISPR gene-editing technology has been used to develop Covid-19 testing and vaccines.
Over the past couple of months, I have read a number of reverse harems. Some put me through the wringer, others had me floating on cloud 9 and some were downright dreadful. I picked some of the best reverse harem books that I have read and crafted a great list of recommendations.
With explosive chemistry and insane twists, Start a War is a darkly sexy reverse harem romance that will become one of your favorite reverse harem books of 2022. Prepare to become zombified if you choose to crack this open late at night because you will not be able to get a blip of sleep once you open this page-turner.
Add Groupie to your TBR list if you want to devour one of the best reverse-harem books out there centered around an MMMFMM relationship, including some MM. And let me say, it is absolutely scorching. I was really rooting for a few different relationships to form.
If you love reverse harem books centered on the bully academy trope, Wicked Gods should be the next romance added to your TBR list. Also, if you like your heroine with a backbone, you got yourself a winner with this one. Daisy is not the type to take shit from anyone, which is essential as there are more bullies than friends at the Gifted Academy. 2ff7e9595c